
    (965) 24317028



About Us

Kept under ‘lock and key' is a time old phrase when safety & security was simply patent to doors and windows. The world grew larger since then. Universal Projects Company offers a secured world to every Government, Private and Corporate Institution. Universal Projects Company has been in the business since 1997 and is debatably the prominent institution offering world class safety and security solutions tailored to clientele requirements. Universal Projects Company (UNIPRO) offers numerous International brands that are specifically selected based on their leading strengths and un-paralleled compatibility. The range of fire and security solutions does not comprise of International products alone but also a specialized team of engineers. The team offers added value by providing maintenance, after sales service and in-house training programs. Every requirement varies from client to client, however UNIPRO customizes the safety & security solutions, offering cost effective methods based on individual requirements. The customer profile ranges from residential customers, corporate customers, the governmental sectors, oil sectors, petrochemical industries, oil refineries, schools, hospitals, hotels, the military, power stations, banking sectors, factories, and retail markets.

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Collaboratively administrate empowered markets via plug-and-play networks.